Table of Contents
Gynecological Conditions
Selected Controlled Trials on Gynecological Conditions
updated January 19, 2011
Dysmenorrhea (severe uterine pain during menstruation) and Uterine Blood Flow
Immediate Analgesia Effect of Single Point Acupuncture in Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pain Med. 2010 Dec 17. doi: 10.1111/j.1526-4637.2010.01017.x.
Immediate effect of acupuncture at Sanyinjiao (SP6) and Xuanzhong (GB39) on uterine arterial blood flow in primary dysmenorrhea. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Oct;16(10):1073-8. Epub 2010 Oct 9.
Electroacupuncture reduces uterine artery blood flow impedance in infertile women. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Jun;48(2):148-51.
Acupuncture in patients with dysmenorrhea: a randomized study on clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness in usual care. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2008 Feb;198(2):166.e1-8.
Efficacy of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea. Gynakol Geburtshilfliche Rundsch. 2003 Oct;43(4):250-3.
Acupuncture for the management of primary dysmenorrhea. Obstet Gynecol. 1987 Jan;69(1):51-6.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Using acupuncture to treat premenstrual syndrome. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2002 Nov;267(1):23-6.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and Anovulation (lack of ovulation)
Impact of electro-acupuncture and physical exercise on hyperandrogenism and oligo/amenorrhea in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Jan;300(1):E37-45. Epub 2010 Oct 13.
Low-frequency electroacupuncture and physical exercise decrease high muscle sympathetic nerve activity in polycystic ovary syndrome. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2009 Aug;297(2):R387-95. Epub 2009 Jun 3.
Effects of electro-acupuncture on anovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2000 Mar;79(3):180-8.
Headaches and Migraines
Selected Controlled Trials of Acupuncture for Headaches and Migraines (Non Systematic List)
Updated January 18, 2011

Acupuncture for treating acute attacks of migraine: a randomized controlled trial. Headache. 2009 Jun;49(6):805-16. Epub 2009 Apr 27.
Cost-effectiveness of acupuncture treatment in patients with headache. Cephalalgia. 2008 Apr;28(4):334-45.
Acupuncture in migraine: investigation of autonomic effects. Clin J Pain. 2008 Feb;24(2):106-15.
Acupuncture in migraine prevention: a randomized sham controlled study with 6-months posttreatment follow-up. Clin J Pain. 2008 Feb;24(2):98-105.
Acupuncture in patients with headache Cephalalgia. 2008 Sep;28(9):969-79. Epub 2008 Jul 8.
Acupuncture of chronic headache disorders in primary care: randomised controlled trial and economic analysis. Health Technol Assess. 2004 Nov;8(48):iii, 1-35.
Acupuncture for tension-type headache: a multicentre, sham-controlled, patient-and observer-blinded, randomised trial. J Headache Pain. 2007 Oct;8(5):306-14. Epub 2007 Oct 23.
Traditional acupuncture in migraine: a controlled, randomized study. Headache. 2008 Mar;48(3):398-407. Epub 2007 Sep 12.
Acupuncture in migraine prophylaxis: a randomized sham-controlled trial. Cephalalgia. 2006 May;26(5):520-9.
Treatment in a randomized multicenter trial of acupuncture for migraine (ART migraine). Forsch Komplementmed. 2006 Apr;13(2):101-8. Epub 2006 Apr 19.
Efficacy of acupuncture for the prophylaxis of migraine: a multicentre randomised controlled clinical trial. Lancet Neurol. 2006 Apr;5(4):310-6.
Acupuncture for patients with migraine: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2005 May 4;293(17):2118-25.
Acupuncture for chronic headache in primary care: large, pragmatic, randomised trial. BMJ. 2004 Mar 27;328(7442):744. Epub 2004 Mar 15.
Acupuncture versus placebo versus sumatriptan for early treatment of migraine attacks: a randomized controlled trial. J Intern Med. 2003 Feb;253(2):181-8.
Acupuncture in the prophylactic treatment of migraine without aura: a comparison with flunarizine. Heeadache. 2002 Oct;42(9):855-61.
Acupuncture versus metoprolol in migraine prophylaxis: a randomized trial of trigger point inactivation. J Intern Med. 1994 May;235(5):451-6.
Traditional Chinese acupuncture in tension-type headache: a controlled study. Pain. 1992 Mar;48(3):325-9.
The treatment of tension headache by acupuncture: a controlled single case design with time series analysis. J Psychosom Res. 1990;34(5):553-61.
A controlled trial of the treatment of migraine by acupuncture. Clin J Pain. 1989 Dec;5(4):305-12.
Acupuncture treatment of chronic tension headache–a controlled cross-over trial. Cephalalgia. 1985 Sep;5(3):137-42.
Effect of acupuncture on headache measured by reduction in number of attacks and use of drugs. Scand J Dent Res. 1979 Oct;87(5):373-80.
Related Articles of Interest:
Selected Controlled Trials of Acupuncture with Assisted Reproduction Treatment (Non Systematic List)
Updated January 18, 2011
Effect of acupuncture on assisted reproduction treatment outcomes. Acupunct Med. 2010 Dec;28(4):180-4. Epub 2010 Oct 18.
Randomized controlled trial: effects of acupuncture on pregnancy rates in women undergoing in vitro fertilization. Fertil Steril. 2010 Jun 19.
Acupuncture on the day of embryo transfer: a randomized controlled trial of 635 patients. Reprod Biomed Online. 2010 Sep;21(3):366-72. Epub 2010 Apr 7.
Acupuncture for frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Reprod Biomed Online. 2010 Jun;20(6):814-21. Epub 2010 Mar 4.
A randomized double blind comparison of real and placebo acupuncture in IVF treatment. Hum Reprod. 2009 Feb;24(2):341-8. Epub 2008 Oct 21.
The impact of acupuncture on in vitro fertilization outcome. Fertil Steril. 2009 Mar;91(3):723-6. Epub 2008 Mar 7.
A matched controlled study to evaluate the efficacy of acupuncture for improving pregnancy rates following in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2007;34(3):137-8.
Effect of acupuncture on the outcome of in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection: a randomized, prospective, controlled clinical study. Fertil Steril. 2006 May;85(5):1347-51. Epub 2006 Apr 17.
Acupuncture on the day of embryo transfer significantly improves the reproductive outcome in infertile women: a prospective, randomized trial. Fertil Steril. 2006 May;85(5):1341-6. Epub 2006 Apr 5.
Influence of acupuncture stimulation on pregnancy rates for women undergoing embryo transfer. Fertil Steril. 2006 May;85(5):1352-8. Epub 2006 Apr 5.
Influence of acupuncture on the pregnancy rate in patients who undergo assisted reproduction therapy. Fertil Steril. 2002 Apr;77(4):721-4.
Related Articles of Interest:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Selected Controlled Trials of Acupuncture for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
PleaseRead: Clinical Trials on Acupuncture
Updated January 18, 2011
Acupuncture treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. A double-blind controlled study. Digestion. 2001;64(2):100-3.
Symptom management for irritable bowel syndrome: a pilot randomized controlled trial of acupuncture/moxibustion. Gastroenterol Nurs. 2009 Jul-Aug;32(4):243-55.
Neuroendocrinological effects of acupuncture treatment in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Complement Ther Med. 2007 Dec;15(4):255-63. Epub 2007 Feb 20.
Acupuncture for irritable bowel syndrome: a blinded placebo-controlled trial. World J Gastroenterol. 2005 Jul 14;11(26):4040-4.
Rectal hypersensitivity reduced by acupoint TENS in patients with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome: a pilot study. Dig Dis Sci. 2004 Feb;49(2):312-9.
Related Articles of Interest:
Low Back Pain
Selected Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) of Acupuncture for Low Back Pain
Please Read: Clinical Trials on Acupuncture
Updated March 7, 2012

1. Shankar N, Thakur M, Tandon OP, Saxena AK, Arora S, Bhattacharya N: Autonomic status and pain profile in patients of chronic low back pain and following electro acupuncture therapy: a randomized control trial. Indian journal of physiology and pharmacology 2011, 55(1):25-36.
2. Di Cesare A, Giombini A, Di Cesare M, Ripani M, Vulpiani MC, Saraceni VM: Comparison between the effects of trigger point mesotherapy versus acupuncture points mesotherapy in the treatment of chronic low back pain: a short term randomized controlled trial. Complementary therapies in medicine 2011, 19(1):19-26.
3. Wasan AD, Kong J, Pham LD, Kaptchuk TJ, Edwards R, Gollub RL: The impact of placebo, psychopathology, and expectations on the response to acupuncture needling in patients with chronic low back pain. J Pain 2010, 11(6):555-563.
4. Lin ML, Lin MH, Fen JJ, Lin WT, Lin CW, Chen PQ: A comparison between pulsed radiofrequency and electro-acupuncture for relieving pain in patients with chronic low back pain. Acupuncture & electro-therapeutics research 2010, 35(3-4):133-146.
5. Lee JH, Park HJ, Lee H, Shin IH, Song MY: Acupuncture for chronic low back pain: protocol for a multicenter, randomized, sham-controlled trial. BMC musculoskeletal disorders 2010, 11:118.
6. Hopton AK, Thomas KJ, MacPherson H: Willingness to try acupuncture again: reports from patients on their treatment reactions in a low back pain trial. Acupunct Med 2010, 28(4):185-188.
7. Yuan J, Purepong N, Hunter RF, Kerr DP, Park J, Bradbury I, McDonough S: Different frequencies of acupuncture treatment for chronic low back pain: an assessor-blinded pilot randomised controlled trial. Complementary therapies in medicine 2009, 17(3):131-140.
8. Wang SM, Dezinno P, Lin EC, Lin H, Yue JJ, Berman MR, Braveman F, Kain ZN: Auricular acupuncture as a treatment for pregnant women who have low back and posterior pelvic pain: a pilot study. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 2009, 201(3):271 e271-279.
9. Itoh K, Itoh S, Katsumi Y, Kitakoji H: A pilot study on using acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation to treat chronic non-specific low back pain. Complementary therapies in clinical practice 2009, 15(1):22-25.
10. Inoue M, Hojo T, Nakajima M, Kitakoji H, Itoi M: Comparison of the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment and local anaesthetic injection for low back pain: a randomised controlled clinical trial. Acupunct Med 2009, 27(4):174-177.
11. Glazov G, Schattner P, Lopez D, Shandley K: Laser acupuncture for chronic non-specific low back pain: a controlled clinical trial. Acupunct Med 2009, 27(3):94-100.
12. Cherkin DC, Sherman KJ, Avins AL, Erro JH, Ichikawa L, Barlow WE, Delaney K, Hawkes R, Hamilton L, Pressman A et al: A randomized trial comparing acupuncture, simulated acupuncture, and usual care for chronic low back pain. Archives of internal medicine 2009, 169(9):858-866.
13. Kennedy S, Baxter GD, Kerr DP, Bradbury I, Park J, McDonough SM: Acupuncture for acute non-specific low back pain: a pilot randomised non-penetrating sham controlled trial. Complementary therapies in medicine 2008, 16(3):139-146.
14. Haake M, Muller HH, Schade-Brittinger C, Basler HD, Schafer H, Maier C, Endres HG, Trampisch HJ, Molsberger A: German Acupuncture Trials (GERAC) for chronic low back pain: randomized, multicenter, blinded, parallel-group trial with 3 groups. Archives of internal medicine 2007, 167(17):1892-1898.
15. Witt CM, Jena S, Selim D, Brinkhaus B, Reinhold T, Wruck K, Liecker B, Linde K, Wegscheider K, Willich SN: Pragmatic randomized trial evaluating the clinical and economic effectiveness of acupuncture for chronic low back pain. American journal of epidemiology 2006, 164(5):487-496.
16. Thomas KJ, MacPherson H, Thorpe L, Brazier J, Fitter M, Campbell MJ, Roman M, Walters SJ, Nicholl J: Randomised controlled trial of a short course of traditional acupuncture compared with usual care for persistent non-specific low back pain. BMJ (Clinical research ed 2006, 333(7569):623.
17. Ratcliffe J, Thomas KJ, MacPherson H, Brazier J: A randomised controlled trial of acupuncture care for persistent low back pain: cost effectiveness analysis. BMJ (Clinical research ed 2006, 333(7569):626.
18. Itoh K, Katsumi Y, Hirota S, Kitakoji H: Effects of trigger point acupuncture on chronic low back pain in elderly patients–a sham-controlled randomised trial. Acupunct Med 2006, 24(1):5-12.
19. Inoue M, Kitakoji H, Ishizaki N, Tawa M, Yano T, Katsumi Y, Kawakita K: Relief of low back pain immediately after acupuncture treatment–a randomised, placebo controlled trial. Acupunct Med 2006, 24(3):103-108.
20. Brinkhaus B, Witt CM, Jena S, Linde K, Streng A, Wagenpfeil S, Irnich D, Walther HU, Melchart D, Willich SN: Acupuncture in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. Archives of internal medicine 2006, 166(4):450-457.
21. Brinkhaus B, Witt CM, Jena S, Linde K, Streng A, Irnich D, Hummelsberger J, Hammes M, Pach D, Melchart D et al: Interventions and physician characteristics in a randomized multicenter trial of acupuncture in patients with low-back pain. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, NY 2006, 12(7):649-657.
22. Tsui ML, Cheing GL: The effectiveness of electroacupuncture versus electrical heat acupuncture in the management of chronic low-back pain. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, NY 2004, 10(5):803-809.
23. Sator-Katzenschlager SM, Scharbert G, Kozek-Langenecker SA, Szeles JC, Finster G, Schiesser AW, Heinze G, Kress HG: The short- and long-term benefit in chronic low back pain through adjuvant electrical versus manual auricular acupuncture. Anesthesia and analgesia 2004, 98(5):1359-1364, table of contents.
24. MacPherson H, Thorpe L, Thomas K, Campbell M: Acupuncture for low back pain: traditional diagnosis and treatment of 148 patients in a clinical trial. Complementary therapies in medicine 2004, 12(1):38-44.
25. Kvorning N, Holmberg C, Grennert L, Aberg A, Akeson J: Acupuncture relieves pelvic and low-back pain in late pregnancy. Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica 2004, 83(3):246-250.
26. Itoh K, Katsumi Y, Kitakoji H: Trigger point acupuncture treatment of chronic low back pain in elderly patients–a blinded RCT. Acupunct Med 2004, 22(4):170-177.
27. Guerreiro da Silva JB, Nakamura MU, Cordeiro JA, Kulay L, Jr.: Acupuncture for low back pain in pregnancy–a prospective, quasi-randomised, controlled study. Acupunct Med 2004, 22(2):60-67.
28. Yeung CK, Leung MC, Chow DH: The use of electro-acupuncture in conjunction with exercise for the treatment of chronic low-back pain. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, NY 2003, 9(4):479-490.
29. Meng CF, Wang D, Ngeow J, Lao L, Peterson M, Paget S: Acupuncture for chronic low back pain in older patients: a randomized, controlled trial. Rheumatology (Oxford, England) 2003, 42(12):1508-1517.
30. Kerr DP, Walsh DM, Baxter D: Acupuncture in the management of chronic low back pain: a blinded randomized controlled trial. The Clinical journal of pain 2003, 19(6):364-370.
31. Haake M, Muller HH, Schade-Brittinger C, Prinz H, Basler HD, Streitberger K, Schafer H, Molsberger A: The German multicenter, randomized, partially blinded, prospective trial of acupuncture for chronic low-back pain: a preliminary report on the rationale and design of the trial. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, NY 2003, 9(5):763-770.
32. Molsberger AF, Mau J, Pawelec DB, Winkler J: Does acupuncture improve the orthopedic management of chronic low back pain–a randomized, blinded, controlled trial with 3 months follow up. Pain 2002, 99(3):579-587.
33. Leibing E, Leonhardt U, Koster G, Goerlitz A, Rosenfeldt JA, Hilgers R, Ramadori G: Acupuncture treatment of chronic low-back pain — a randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled trial with 9-month follow-up. Pain 2002, 96(1-2):189-196.
34. Kalauokalani D, Cherkin DC, Sherman KJ, Koepsell TD, Deyo RA: Lessons from a trial of acupuncture and massage for low back pain: patient expectations and treatment effects. Spine 2001, 26(13):1418-1424.
35. Cherkin DC, Eisenberg D, Sherman KJ, Barlow W, Kaptchuk TJ, Street J, Deyo RA: Randomized trial comparing traditional Chinese medical acupuncture, therapeutic massage, and self-care education for chronic low back pain. Archives of internal medicine 2001, 161(8):1081-1088.
36. Carlsson CP, Sjolund BH: Acupuncture for chronic low back pain: a randomized placebo-controlled study with long-term follow-up. The Clinical journal of pain 2001, 17(4):296-305.
37. Wedenberg K, Moen B, Norling A: A prospective randomized study comparing acupuncture with physiotherapy for low-back and pelvic pain in pregnancy. Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica 2000, 79(5):331-335.
38. Macdonald AJ, Macrae KD, Master BR, Rubin AP: Superficial acupuncture in the relief of chronic low back pain. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1983, 65(1):44-46.
39. Coan RM, Wong G, Ku SL, Chan YC, Wang L, Ozer FT, Coan PL: The acupuncture treatment of low back pain: a randomized controlled study. The American journal of Chinese medicine 1980, 8(1-2):181-189.
Related Articles of Interest:
Neck Pain
Selected Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) of Acupuncture for Neck Pain
Please Read: Clinical Trials on Acupuncture
Updated March 7, 2012
1. Liang Z, Zhu X, Yang X, Fu W, Lu A: Assessment of a traditional acupuncture therapy for chronic neck pain: a pilot randomised controlled study. Complementary therapies in medicine 2011, 19 Suppl 1:S26-32.
2. Sun MY, Hsieh CL, Cheng YY, Hung HC, Li TC, Yen SM, Huang IS: The therapeutic effects of acupuncture on patients with chronic neck myofascial pain syndrome: a single-blind randomized controlled trial. The American journal of Chinese medicine 2010, 38(5):849-859.
3. Pfister DG, Cassileth BR, Deng GE, Yeung KS, Lee JS, Garrity D, Cronin A, Lee N, Kraus D, Shaha AR et al: Acupuncture for pain and dysfunction after neck dissection: results of a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Oncol 2010, 28(15):2565-2570.
4. Ceccherelli F, Gioioso L, Casale R, Gagliardi G, Ori C: Neck pain treatment with acupuncture: does the number of needles matter? The Clinical journal of pain 2010, 26(9):807-812.
5. Itoh K, Katsumi Y, Hirota S, Kitakoji H: Randomised trial of trigger point acupuncture compared with other acupuncture for treatment of chronic neck pain. Complementary therapies in medicine 2007, 15(3):172-179.
6. Witt CM, Jena S, Brinkhaus B, Liecker B, Wegscheider K, Willich SN: Acupuncture for patients with chronic neck pain. Pain 2006, 125(1-2):98-106.
7. Willich SN, Reinhold T, Selim D, Jena S, Brinkhaus B, Witt CM: Cost-effectiveness of acupuncture treatment in patients with chronic neck pain. Pain 2006, 125(1-2):107-113.
8. Vas J, Perea-Milla E, Mendez C, Sanchez Navarro C, Leon Rubio JM, Brioso M, Garcia Obrero I: Efficacy and safety of acupuncture for chronic uncomplicated neck pain: a randomised controlled study. Pain 2006, 126(1-3):245-255.
9. He D, Hostmark AT, Veiersted KB, Medbo JI: Effect of intensive acupuncture on pain-related social and psychological variables for women with chronic neck and shoulder pain–an RCT with six month and three year follow up. Acupunct Med 2005, 23(2):52-61.
10. White P, Lewith G, Prescott P, Conway J: Acupuncture versus placebo for the treatment of chronic mechanical neck pain: a randomized, controlled trial. Annals of internal medicine 2004, 141(12):911-919.
11. He D, Veiersted KB, Hostmark AT, Medbo JI: Effect of acupuncture treatment on chronic neck and shoulder pain in sedentary female workers: a 6-month and 3-year follow-up study. Pain 2004, 109(3):299-307.
12. Zhu XM, Polus B: A controlled trial on acupuncture for chronic neck pain. The American journal of Chinese medicine 2002, 30(1):13-28.
13. Nabeta T, Kawakita K: Relief of chronic neck and shoulder pain by manual acupuncture to tender points–a sham-controlled randomized trial. Complementary therapies in medicine 2002, 10(4):217-222.
14. Irnich D, Behrens N, Gleditsch JM, Stor W, Schreiber MA, Schops P, Vickers AJ, Beyer A: Immediate effects of dry needling and acupuncture at distant points in chronic neck pain: results of a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled crossover trial. Pain 2002, 99(1-2):83-89.
15. Irnich D, Behrens N, Molzen H, Konig A, Gleditsch J, Krauss M, Natalis M, Senn E, Beyer A, Schops P: Randomised trial of acupuncture compared with conventional massage and “sham” laser acupuncture for treatment of chronic neck pain. BMJ (Clinical research ed 2001, 322(7302):1574-1578.
16. David J, Modi S, Aluko AA, Robertshaw C, Farebrother J: Chronic neck pain: a comparison of acupuncture treatment and physiotherapy. British journal of rheumatology 1998, 37(10):1118-1122.
17. Birch S, Jamison RN: Controlled trial of Japanese acupuncture for chronic myofascial neck pain: assessment of specific and nonspecific effects of treatment. The Clinical journal of pain 1998, 14(3):248-255.
18. Petrie JP, Hazleman BL: A controlled study of acupuncture in neck pain. British journal of rheumatology 1986, 25(3):271-275.
19. Coan RM, Wong G, Coan PL: The acupuncture treatment of neck pain: a randomized controlled study. The American journal of Chinese medicine 1981, 9(4):326-332.
Related Articles of Interest:
Selected Clinical Studies of Acupuncture for Obesity and Weight Management
Please Read: Clinical Trials on Acupuncture
Updated November 5, 2014
Abdi H, Zhao B, Darbandi M, et al. The effects of body acupuncture on obesity: anthropometric parameters, lipid profile, and inflammatory and immunologic markers. TheScientificWorldJournal. 2012;2012:603539.
Bei Y, Fang X, Yao Z. Sixty-two cases of simple obesity treated by acupuncture combined with massage. Journal of traditional Chinese medicine = Chung i tsa chih ying wen pan / sponsored by All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Mar 2004;24(1):36-39.
Cabyoglu MT, Ergene N, Tan U. The treatment of obesity by acupuncture. The International journal of neuroscience. Feb 2006;116(2):165-175.
He L, Gao XA, Yu L. Forty cases of simple obesity treated by acupuncture. Journal of traditional Chinese medicine = Chung i tsa chih ying wen pan / sponsored by All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Mar 2006;26(1):24-25.
Hu WL, Chang CH, Hung YC. Clinical observations on laser acupuncture in simple obesity therapy. The American journal of Chinese medicine. 2010;38(5):861-867.
Mazzoni R, Mannucci E, Rizzello SM, Ricca V, Rotella CM. Failure of acupuncture in the treatment of obesity: a pilot study. Eating and weight disorders : EWD. Dec 1999;4(4):198-202.
Set T, Cayir Y, Pirim AB. Effects of ear acupuncture therapy for obesity on the depression of obese women. Acupuncture in medicine : journal of the British Medical Acupuncture Society. Oct 2014;32(5):427-429.
Soong YS. The treatment of exogenous obesity employing auricular acupuncture. Am J Chin Med (Gard City N Y). Jul 1975;3(3):285-287.
Wozniak P, Stachowiak G, Pieta-Dolinska A, Oszukowski P. Laser acupuncture and low-calorie diet during visceral obesity therapy after menopause. Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica. Jan 2003;82(1):69-73.
Zheng YH, Wang XH, Lai MH, Yao H, Liu H, Ma HX. Effectiveness of abdominal acupuncture for patients with obesity-type polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine. Sep 2013;19(9):740-745.
Shen EY, Hsieh CL, Chang YH, Lin JG. Observation of sympathomimetic effect of ear acupuncture stimulation for body weight reduction. The American journal of Chinese medicine. 2009;37(6):1023-1030.
Nourshahi M, Ahmadizad S, Nikbakht H, Heidarnia MA, Ernst E. The effects of triple therapy (acupuncture, diet and exercise) on body weight: a randomized, clinical trial. International journal of obesity. May 2009;33(5):583-587.
Kwon YD, Lee JH, Lee MS. Increased temperature at acupuncture points induced by weight reduction in obese patients: a preliminary study. The International journal of neuroscience. May 2007;117(5):591-595.
Richards D, Marley J. Stimulation of auricular acupuncture points in weight loss. Australian family physician. Jul 1998;27 Suppl 2:S73-77.
Acupuncture Points for Appetite Control and Weight Loss
Ear Acupuncture is an Effective Way to Naturally Suppress the Appetite
Pregnancy Related Issues
Selected Controlled Trials of Acupuncture on Pregnancy Related Issues
updated January 19, 2011
Nausea and Vomiting during Pregnancy
Acupuncture to treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial. Birth. 2002 Mar;29(1):1-9.
Effectiveness of auricular acupressure in the treatment of nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. J Med Assoc Thai. 2008 Nov;91(11):1633-8.
Labor Pain
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on acupoints relieves labor pain: a non-randomized controlled study. Chin J Integr Med. 2010 Jun;16(3):234-8. Epub 2010 Aug 8.
Acupuncture as pain relief during delivery: a randomized controlled trial. Birth. 2009 Mar;36(1):5-12.
The effects of acupuncture during labour on nulliparous women: a randomised controlled trial. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2007 Feb;47(1):26-30.
Acupuncture treatment during labour–a randomised controlled trial. BJOG. 2002 Jun;109(6):637-44.
Labor Induction
Acupuncture for the induction of labour: a double-blind randomised controlled study. BJOG. 2010 Sep;117(10):1255-61. Epub 2010 Jun 24.
Effectiveness of acupuncture for the initiation of labour at term: a pilot randomized controlled trial. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2008 Dec;30(12):1118-23.
Breech Presentation
Moxibustion for breech version: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Nov;114(5):1034-40.
Side-effects of moxibustion for cephalic version of breech presentation. J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Dec;14(10):1231-3.
Acupuncture plus moxibustion to resolve breech presentation: a randomized controlled study. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2004 Apr;15(4):247-52.
Acupuncture conversion of fetal breech presentation. Fetal Diagn Ther. 2003 Nov-Dec;18(6):418-21.
Pelvic Pain during or after Pregnancy
Acupuncture as an adjunct to standard treatment for pelvic girdle pain in pregnant women: randomised double-blinded controlled trial comparing acupuncture with non-penetrating sham acupuncture. BJOG. 2008 Dec;115(13):1655-68. Epub 2008 Oct 15.
Treatments of pelvic girdle pain in pregnant women: adverse effects of standard treatment, acupuncture and stabilising exercises on the pregnancy, mother, delivery and the fetus/neonate. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2008 Jun 26;8:34.
Regression of pelvic girdle pain after delivery: follow-up of a randomised single blind controlled trial with different treatment modalities. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2008;87(2):201-8.
Effects of acupuncture and stabilising exercises as adjunct to standard treatment in pregnant women with pelvic girdle pain: randomised single blind controlled trial. BMJ. 2005 Apr 2;330(7494):761. Epub 2005 Mar 18.
Skin Conditions
Selected Clinical Studies of Acupuncture for Atopic Dermatitis, Acne Vulgaris, Urticaria, and Contact Skin Allergies
Updated March 7, 2012
1. Pfab F, Athanasiadis GI, Huss-Marp J, Fuqin J, Heuser B, Cifuentes L, Brockow K, Schober W, Konstantinow A, Irnich D et al: Effect of acupuncture on allergen-induced basophil activation in patients with atopic eczema:a pilot trial. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, NY 2011, 17(4):309-314.
2. Kim KS, Kim YB: Interaction and efficacy of Keigai-rengyo-to extract and acupuncture in male patients with acne vulgaris: a study protocol for a randomized controlled pilot trial. Trials 2011, 12:82.
3. Son BK, Yun Y, Choi IH: Efficacy of ah shi point acupuncture on acne vulgaris. Acupunct Med 2010, 28(3):126-129.
4. Pfab F, Huss-Marp J, Gatti A, Fuqin J, Athanasiadis GI, Irnich D, Raap U, Schober W, Behrendt H, Ring J et al: Influence of acupuncture on type I hypersensitivity itch and the wheal and flare response in adults with atopic eczema – a blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. Allergy 2010, 65(7):903-910.
5. Liu Z: Clinical observation on the effect of earlobe-bleeding plus body acupuncture in 85 cases of common acne. Journal of traditional Chinese medicine = Chung i tsa chih ying wen pan / sponsored by All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2008, 28(1):18-20.
6. Zhao Y: Acupuncture plus point-injection for 32 cases of obstinate urticaria. Journal of traditional Chinese medicine = Chung i tsa chih ying wen pan / sponsored by All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2006, 26(1):22-23.
7. Jianli C: The effect of acupuncture on serum IgE level in patients with chronic urticaria. Journal of traditional Chinese medicine = Chung i tsa chih ying wen pan / sponsored by All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2006, 26(3):189-190.
8. Fukuda M, Kawada N, Kawamura H, Abo T: Treatment for atopic dermatitis by acupuncture. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 2004, 546:229-237.
9. Liu D: Pricking, cupping and qu feng tiao ying decoction for treatment of chronic urticaria. Journal of traditional Chinese medicine = Chung i tsa chih ying wen pan / sponsored by All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2002, 22(4):269-271.
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Urinary Conditions
Selected Clinical Trials of Acupuncture for Urinary Incontinence, Overactive Bladder, Neurogenic Bladder, and Urinary Tract Infection
Updated March 7, 2012
1. Bower WF, Diao M: Acupuncture as a treatment for nocturnal enuresis. Auton Neurosci 2010, 157(1-2):63-67.
2. Engberg S, Cohen S, Sereika SM: The efficacy of acupuncture in treating urge and mixed incontinence in women: a pilot study. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 2009, 36(6):661-670.
3. Zhang D: Thirty-six cases of urinary retention treated by acupuncture. Journal of traditional Chinese medicine = Chung i tsa chih ying wen pan / sponsored by All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2008, 28(2):83-85.
4. Kim JH, Nam D, Park MK, Lee ES, Kim SH: Randomized control trial of hand acupuncture for female stress urinary incontinence. Acupuncture & electro-therapeutics research 2008, 33(3-4):179-192.
5. Capodice JL, Jin Z, Bemis DL, Samadi D, Stone BA, Kapan S, Katz AE: A pilot study on acupuncture for lower urinary tract symptoms related to chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain. Chinese medicine 2007, 2:1.
6. Emmons SL, Otto L: Acupuncture for overactive bladder: a randomized controlled trial. Obstetrics and gynecology 2005, 106(1):138-143.
7. Johnstone PA, Bloom TL, Niemtzow RC, Crain D, Riffenburgh RH, Amling CL: A prospective, randomized pilot trial of acupuncture of the kidney-bladder distinct meridian for lower urinary tract symptoms. The Journal of urology 2003, 169(3):1037-1039.
8. Alraek T, Baerheim A: The effect of prophylactic acupuncture treatment in women with recurrent cystitis: kidney patients fare better. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, NY 2003, 9(5):651-658.
9. Alraek T, Soedal LI, Fagerheim SU, Digranes A, Baerheim A: Acupuncture treatment in the prevention of uncomplicated recurrent lower urinary tract infections in adult women. American journal of public health 2002, 92(10):1609-1611.
10. Honjo H, Naya Y, Ukimura O, Kojima M, Miki T: Acupuncture on clinical symptoms and urodynamic measurements in spinal-cord-injured patients with detrusor hyperreflexia. Urologia internationalis 2000, 65(4):190-195.
11. Bergstrom K, Carlsson CP, Lindholm C, Widengren R: Improvement of urge- and mixed-type incontinence after acupuncture treatment among elderly women – a pilot study. Journal of the autonomic nervous system 2000, 79(2-3):173-180.
12. Zheng H, Wang S, Shang J, Chen G, Huang C, Hong H, Chen S: Study on acupuncture and moxibustion therapy for female urethral syndrome. Journal of traditional Chinese medicine = Chung i tsa chih ying wen pan / sponsored by All-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1998, 18(2):122-127.
13. Cheng PT, Wong MK, Chang PL: A therapeutic trial of acupuncture in neurogenic bladder of spinal cord injured patients–a preliminary report. Spinal cord 1998, 36(7):476-480.
14. Aune A, Alraek T, LiHua H, Baerheim A: Acupuncture in the prophylaxis of recurrent lower urinary tract infection in adult women. Scandinavian journal of primary health care 1998, 16(1):37-39.
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